Tournament Bracket Schedule

We will be releasing the final schedule on Monday evening, but here is an idea of the schedule by bracket (we realize you don't know what bracket your team will be in, but most brackets will have 8 teams). Sunday matches will begin at 12pm and Saturday matches will begin at 9am. We were able to schedule all matches so that the 4 or 5 coaches with multiple teams should be able to coach all games for both teams as matches for both teams will either be on different days or the same day at the same facility.
SportsPlus Saturday
- 3rd/4th Rec C ,D, and E brackets
- 5th/6th Rec A and C brackets
Sports Express Saturday
- All athletic brackets
- 3rd/4th Rec A and B brackets
SportsPlus Sunday
- 5th/6th Rec B and D brackets
- 7th/8th bracket
Sports Express Sunday
- 5th/6th Rec E and F brackets